This song transcends all styles, cultures and barriers, and
because it’s from the Lord it’s relevant to the ‘now’ for he is the God of the
present as well as the past and the future.
‘When the burnt offerings began… ‘
Not to be confused with blood sacrifices, burnt offerings speak to us as
new covenant people of surrender, brokenness and the realisation that human
effort is not enough. Coming to an end
ourselves, if you like.
When we lay aside our unrealistic view of our own abilities and become
involved with the reality of God’s empowering presence in our lives, then the
song of the Lord will surely rise.
Believe me, styles will come and go. That which we think is cutting edge and fresh
will soon be surpassed by another band or individual (!) breaking through. To limit our evaluation of worship music to
comparisons with popular trends and to concentrate solely on what’s marketable
(!) is surely to devalue the potency of how we see true worship.
Forget the old song running round your head based on
willpower and achievement and by surrendering allow His enabling power to be
made visible in the ashes. Let the new
song begin!