Equipping musicians and non-musicians alike, Dave & Pat's worship training days are proving an increasingly popular resource for the development of worship teams and worshippers.

Both in the UK and in many nations of the world their mix of  foundational teaching on worship and the practical "how to" when it comes to the musical mechanics have inspired many to "raise the bar" in their creative expressions of praise.

Dave will teach on themes related to  worship.

Followed by an afternoon of  "hands-on" interactive workshops such as:


Led by Dave, Discussions centre around formation of lyrics and melodies to complement each other and can lead into areas surrounding copyright and song usage

Percussion Workshop (Led by Dan Bilbrough)

A "hands-on" workshop in percussion 

Vocal/Choral Workshop (Led by Pat Bilbrough)

Easy to learn vocal techniques including exercises in:
Vocal chord general health
Warming up the voice.
Microphone technique

Vocal/Choral Extended Workshop - (Led by Pat Bilbrough)

In the extended workshop Pat will also teach harmonies to Dave's and others' current worship songs.

Band Dynamics - (Led by Dave & Band)

(For Larger Events) 

Learn how drums, keyboards and guitar can work together in the context of worship.